Issue With Pest Control? Get Help Here

TIP! Hairspray is great for eliminating bees and wasps. Not only will this spray kill bugs on contact, but the smell will also deter others from coming.

It’s hard to eliminate pests if they’re in your home.You may spend a lot of money and time trying to get rid of them. Use the following advice to prevent pests from taking over your home and causing a mess.

TIP! Does your home have brown recluse spiders? If so, trap them with sticky traps. Brown recluses can be very difficult to get to due to where they reside.

Check your local codes to ensure that you use approved pest treatments. Spraying down a locally banned chemicals may backfire if you sell your house later on. It should motivate you to find out the right pest control.

TIP! Consider using a perimeter spray outside your home to keep bugs at bay. Spray the foundation, as well as steps, porches and areas near doors and windows.

A termite inspector can just confirm that one-third of your home is safe. A dog with the right training is able to check out one hundred percent of your home. The reason that dogs can do this is because they can smell methane gas is the actual byproduct of the termites eating your wood.

TIP! Are ants infesting your house? Use borax and sugar to terminate them. Sugar attracts the ants, and the borax kills them.

People that struggle with flying pests need to repair all of the screens inside their home. Screens will also keep both flying and crawling bugs out of your home. Fix or replace any holes or tears in your screens so that bugs can’t enter.

Seal off any cracks that are in your home. These can often function as entry points for pests that are looking for a way into your home.

TIP! It can work really well to use an electronic repellent for pests in and around your home. Plug this device into outlets in every room, and the buzzing sound will repel rodents.

Fleas can be very difficult to expel, but you have several options in how to rid your home of the fleas and their eggs. Always discard the vacuum bag once you are finished cleaning your living space.

TIP! When trees fall down in the yard, dispose of them. Chop it up to make firewood.

If you are considering new tree plantings and your area attracts rodents, place the trees far from your house. This makes an easy way for these rodents to climb up and enter your house through the roof or attic. A good rule of thumb is to plant trees no less than 15 feet or more away from the edge of your house.

Attract Pests

TIP! Mosquitoes will disappear if they do not have a place to lay their eggs. Drain any water that’s just standing around.

Outdoor lighting is awesome for keeping away strangers, but it can also attract pests. If you need outdoor lighting, try using bulbs that are pink, pink, as these tend to attract pests much less.

TIP! You should not use poison if you own a pet. Cats and dogs that catch and eat poisoned rodents become poisoned themselves.

You can get rid of the bugs and pests invading your home. Visit your home improvement center and seek advice from professionals. They are trained to know which pesticides work effectively for all the different types of pests.

TIP! Use plastic storage containers when storing dry food items. The majority of dry goods are packaged in bags or boxes that are easily penetrated by pests.

Electronic pest repellents are very effective.These devices will emit a sound that will keep rodents away when plugged in. Even though humans can hear them, it does not cause any harm. Rodents dislike this sound and they will not stay in the same area.

TIP! If a rodents have come into your home via a hole in the wall, use steel wool to take care of the problem. Rodents will attempt to eat it, and will subsequently die.

Drains are a common place where pests to hide. Be sure you clean and check them every month, with a snake or with liquid drain cleaner.Debris can cause mold growth, providing pests with an inviting home.

TIP! You may find that pests are attracted to your recycling. Any recycled materials should be kept outside of the house.

You have to find out how pests are getting into your home. For example, your window may have a tiny gap that allows spiders in or your pets may bring outdoor bugs in.You can’t fix your pest problem until you figure out how they’re getting in.

TIP! If you keep clutter down, you will keep the bugs away. Your home has many places that are utilized as a catch-all, such as tables, bookshelves, counters, etc.

You should store your recycling outside if you can.If you cannot do this, rinse each item you put in the indoor trash can. You should also want to get recycling containers that are sealed.

TIP! Carpenter ants are symptomatic of larger problems. They just eat wood that is wet, so their presence heralds a leak and problem with rotten wood.

Use this trick to successfully collect all the silverfish to get together. Wet some newspaper and put it on the floor overnight. Quickly dispose of the paper and take them scatter.

TIP! If you want to handle pest control on your own, try to capture one of the bugs you are seeing and take it to the store when you purchase pesticide. By doing this, you can ensure that you will get the correct insecticide.

Seal any small entry points into your home with caulk to help combat a bug problem. Foggers and sprays will not get deep enough into walls and behind the cabinets where bugs hide and live. Use caulking to seal any places where bugs favor entering.

TIP! Pay attention to the wood rings in your home if you suspect termite damage. If you see damage to the rings, then you probably do not have termites because termites eat only the softer center of the wood and not the rings.

Pay attention to your yard and lawn conditions to keep control over rodent problems.Make it an uncomfortable environment inhospitable for these creatures. Keep your grass cut short, and be sure to get secure lid trash cans. These simple steps will keep most rodents and make them find other places to live.

Check around your garden hose and the side of the home where water can collect.

Do you compost for your garden? This practice can attract a lot of bugs.

TIP! To eliminate roaches, try diatomaceous earth. You can safely sprinkle this in the roach-infested areas and hidden areas, such as on top of cabinets and behind your appliances.

Nobody likes microscopic insects in their bedding plus other places. Lots of people have dust mite allergies, but these bugs ought to be killed no matter what. Wash bed clothes in super hot water every week and use non-permeable pillow covers that are not permeable.

TIP! If bees are living around your house, you should call a professional to take care of the problem. You need to know whether these bees are domestic or African bees, which can be deadly.

Pests are drawn to dark and damp locations. To prevent pests, go through your home thoroughly and pick out any wet areas, particularly areas with standing water. These areas are a prime breeding haven for pests. Be sure the troubled spots get ventilation as a means to fight off pests.

Alcohol is great for entertainment as it is pest control.Try putting some beer around your plants to help destroy snails and slugs.

TIP! Make sure the exterior of your house is clean. Keep the driveway swept and free of debris.

Ants are able to figure out how to get into a home and the kitchen. Since ants don’t go anywhere near cloves, you can rid yourself of an infestation by putting ground cloves anywhere food is near. You can also sprinkle some around your foundation to keep ants out.

TIP! When it is summer, fleas are everywhere. If your pets go outdoors, speak with a vet about some flea treatments to prevent them from having issues later.

If bird waste is collecting on your roof, locate their roosting area and stop them from being able to do it. If it’s on a tree branch, remove that branch. If they are roosting on ledges around your home, get roosting spikes so they no longer can land.

Don’t spend money on flea bombs. These are two of the most stubborn bugs to eradicate, and bombs can actually cause more trouble.


Centipedes like silverfish in that they need to live in a damp environment. Ensure you clean damp closets and basement remain dry to avoid large infestations. Centipedes will not reside in your home.


Clearly, it’s a lot easier for pests to invade your home than for you to get rid of them. Hopefully, you’ve learned what you need to know about pest control. An out of hand problem is going to require an exterminator.